Vortrag: "Why evidence matters" von Dame Anne Glover

Ulrich Morawetz

das International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) und die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften laden am 25. Juni 2018 um 18.30 Uhr zum Vortrag "Why evidence matters" von der Schottischen Biologin Dame Anne Glover ein. Das Thema passt perfekt zum Generalthema der heurigen ÖGA Tagung da es um die Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik geht, wie aus dem Abstract des Vortrags ersichtlich wird:

Why evidence matters:
We believe that policy involves sound scientific evidence in decision-making processes. But what are the criteria by which politics recognizes the relevance of new facts and relationships? Dame Anne Glover answers this question in a lecture at the ÖAW. The Scottish biologist, former scientific advisor to the president of the European Commission and now president of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, knows the perspectives of both science and international politics. In her lecture, Glover will shed light on the policy-relevant interfaces with science. She will discuss criteria of credibility that policy makers can use for adopting scientific evidence as a basis for decision-making.

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