New article: Group Membership and Certification Effects on Income of Coffee Farmers in Uganda


Ulrich Morawetz and Brian Ssebunya

Coffee with “Fair Trade” or “Organic” labels is well known to all coffee drinkers. The discussion whether the labels can achieve their intended goals has been surveyed in leading economic journals. The results with regard to the coffee certification on income are diverse and contradicting. We confirm this finding in our new article (Ssebunya et al., in press): ...


An Arabica coffee farmer in Kasese district showing the routes used to carry coffee (on the head) down slope to the washing station (2015).

Keynote by Florence Buchholzer: Impact assessment supporting the legislative proposals for the Common Agricultural Policy post 2020

Ulrich Morawetz


Florence Buchholzer is Adviser for “Foresight and impact assessment” in the DG AGRI directorate C „Strategy, simplification and policy analysis“. We are delighted that she will give a keynote at the ÖGA-REECAP conference 26 to 28 September 2018 in Vienna. The topic of her talk is

Impact assessment supporting the legislative proposals for the Common Agricultural Policy post 2020”.


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Indigene Sámigemeinschaften vs. grüne Wachstumshoffnung auf der Halbinsel Fosen in Norwegen


Carolin Holtkamp, Universität Innsbruck

Die Konferenz der European Society of Rural Sociology (ESRS) trug dieses Jahr den Titel „Rural futures in a complex world” und fand in Trondheim, Norwegen statt. Die Komplexität der Frage über die Zukunft ländlicher Räume in Norwegen wurde uns auf einer Exkursion zur Baustelle des bald größten onshore Windenergieprojekts Europas verdeutlicht.


Abbildung 1: Windenergieprojekt Fosen Vind. Quelle: