Webcast: FAO SOFA Bericht 2017

Ulrich Morawetz

die Food and Agricultural Organization der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) gibt jährlich den SOFA (The State of Food and Agriculture) Bericht heraus.

Am Montag 6. November 2017 stellt Andrea Cattaneo, Senior Economist der FAO, den Bericht vor. Im Anschluss diskutieren Paul Dorosh (IFPRI), Francisco H.G. Ferreira (The World Bank Group), Louise Fox (USAID) und Astrid Jakobs da Padua (Deutsche Botschaft USA) zum Thema "How to transform food systems for inclusive growth and poverty eradication".

Die Veranstaltung findet in Washington statt, wird jedoch via Webcast übertragen. Beginn ist um 6:15 Uhr in der Früh mitteleuropäischer Zeit und die Veranstaltung dauert 1,5 Stunden.

Kostenlose Anmeldung und weitere Informationen.

Aus der Einladung:

One of the greatest challenges today is to end hunger and poverty while making agriculture and food systems sustainable.  The 2017 edition of FAO's The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) presents strategies that can leverage the potential of food systems to become the engine of inclusive economic development and rural prosperity in low-income countries.

It analyses the structural and rural transformations now under way, and examines the opportunities and challenges they present to millions of small-scale food producers. It shows how an “agroterritorial” planning approach, focused on connecting cities and towns and their surrounding rural areas, combined with agro-industrial and infrastructure development can generate income opportunities throughout the food sector and underpin sustainable and inclusive rural transformation. 

This is easier said than done. Eminent panelists will critically discuss the report’s findings and assess how feasible the proposed directions for inclusive rural transformations are.

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