Call for Workinggroups: 3rd International Conference on 'Agriculture and Food in an Urbanising Society'

Theresia Oedl-Wieser


Food issues have played a decisive role in the international social, political and academic agenda in recent years. The development of new agri-food production technologies adapted to climate impacts, the formation of new supply dynamics to promote interaction between producers and consumers, the excellence in foodquality, and the design of sustainable food systems are among the challenges to be faced.

The International Conference on Agriculture and Food in an Urbanizing Society represents the efforts of an international community that comprises academic researchers, civil society organizations and policy makers. This community is convinced about the need of bringing food and food-related matters to the core of the debates that involve the main issues challenging humanity in the 21st century, namely: climate change and its impact on water and biodiversity, the pursuit of alternative energy sources, as well as demographic changes.

Accordingly, AgUrb gathers multiple actors involved in agri-food issues in order to reflect and debate about new food production, distribution and consumption strategies to be applied to increasingly urbanized societies in the 21st century.
After two successful European editions, the 3rdInternational Conference Agriculture and Food in an Urbanizing Society – AgUrb – will be held from September 17th to 21st, 2018, in Porto Alegre City, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS.

Link to the Conference:

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