Invitation PEGASUS regional seminar in Vienna

Theresia Oedl-Wieser

The potential for provision of public goods by farming and forestry in remote and marginal areas, including mountains 


We are pleased to invite you to our PEGASUS workshop on ‘The potential for provision of public goods by farming and forestry in remote and marginal areas, including mountains’ which will take place in Vienna (Austria) at the Albert Schweitzer Haus on Thursday 30 November (9:00-16:00).
This one day event aims to share and discuss the emerging findings and outputs from the EU wide PEGASUS project. The workshop will discuss the potential, particularly for collective forms of action by farmers and other rural stakeholders, to increase public goods delivery in remote and marginal areas, including mountains. It will explore what this means for future policy and practice on the ground. It is intended that these discussions should feed into the debate on how national and EU policies, including the Common Agricultural Policy, might evolve post 2020.
PEGASUS is a multidisciplinary Horizon 2020 project ( whose aim is to investigate ways to enhance the provision of public goods and ecosystem services in EU agriculture and forests. Partners are drawn from 10 Member States and include ecologists, rural sociologists, economists, geographers, policy analysts from academic institutions as well as NGOs and think tanks.
The emerging findings and lessons are the results from three years of participatory research and analysis. The findings and lessons are the results from three years of participatory research and analysis. More specifically, the objectives of the seminar are to:

  • Share the findings of the project from the 34 case studies carried out in 10 Member States and present new EU maps showing the linkages between agriculture and forest management systems and the delivery of public goods and ecosystem services;
  • Present the lessons and recommendations for policy and practice;
  • Receive feedback from national policy makers and stakeholders from different countries.

The event is organised by BABF on behalf of the PEGASUS team.
Please find the draft agenda for the event here

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.
With best wishes,
The PEGASUS team


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