Auszug aus dem EAAE Newsflash 2020, October; Ankündigungen EAAE webinar 4 und 5

(European Association of Agricultural Economists;


Newsflash 2020, October


ERAE information:

The European Review of Agricultural Economics now accepts review articles, and the ERAE Editors welcome proposals for review articles from EAAE members. Review articles should provide a comprehensive and scholarly account of a topic that has direct relevance to agricultural economics (methodological or applied) and that has not recently been covered in the literature. A pre-submission enquiry is required. If you are interested in writing a review article for ERAE, please send an abstract, outline, and key references to


Introduction EAAE Board 2020-2023

With great pleasure we would like to present the new EAAE Board members for the coming triennal period. The following Board members were installed by the virtual General Meeting on 2 September 2020:

Jutta Roosen                                 President

José M. Gil                                    Vice-President

Alfons Oude Lansink                     Secretary General

Wim Verbeke                                Treasurer

Klaus Salhofer                               Member

Jan Prokrivcak                               Member

Hans Jensen                                 Member

Attila Jambor                                 Member

Helena Hansson                            Member

Donato Romano                            Member

On behalf of the EAAE board,

Jutta Roosen (President) & Alfons Oude Lansink (Secretary General)


EAAE winner Book Award 2019

The EAAE Book Award for 2019 has been awarded to:

  • The political economy of Agricultural and Food Policies. By Johan Swinnen.

On behalf of the Board: congratulations for this achievement.


The Fight Against Food Shortages and Surpluses,   by John McClintock

The price of food commodities is unstable. It can suddenly shoot up, bringing hunger and famine, whilst too much can cause food prices to rapidly fall, wiping out the profits of farming families and jeopardising their livelihoods. The whole world would be better off if commodity prices were more stable. This book explores how governments can manage food and farming so that there are neither food shortages nor food surpluses, using theory and evidence to address major ideologies and global problems.

EAAE members can purchase the book at a 20% discount off the price of the book when ordered through the CABI Bookshop.

Please use this link and the code CCEAAE20 to get the discount.



NEW | Article |  Reviewing Counterfactual Analyses to Assess Impacts of EU Rural Development Programmes: What Lessons Can Be Learned from the 2007–2013 Ex-Post Evaluations? |  Castaño J., Blanco M., Martinez P.





EAAE webinar 4: November 4, 2020

[Extra Newsflash 2020, September]


Dear EAAE members,

This is the announcement of the 4th EAAE Webinar of a series of webinars on topical issues in our profession. The maximum number of participants for the Webinar is 300. Registration is mandatory.

Here you can register.

Alfons Oude Lansink

Secretary General of the EAAE


EAAE Webinar 4

Improving the functioning of EU agri-food supply chains to the benefit of small-scale producers

Date:              November 4, 2020

Time:              16.00-17.30 (GMT+1)

Organiser:     Liesbeth Dries

Small-scale farms make up the majority of productive entities in EU agriculture. Likewise, the EU food and drink industry is dominated by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In recent years, concerns have risen about their socio-economic sustainability and market power in the food chain. Several EU policy initiatives have emerged (e.g., food quality schemes and innovation partnerships), to strengthen the position of small-scale producers in the food supply chain, tackle unfair trading practices and better support the marketability of their products. To date, limited systematic evidence is available about the impact of these EU policies on involved actors and the supply chain conditions that support the desired outcomes.

The webinar brings together insights from three EU-funded Horizon 2020 projects: Valumics (grant agreement No 72724); Strength2Food (grant agreement No 678024); SUFISA (grant agreement No 635577). The presentations: (i) identify appropriate indicators for measuring the resilience, sustainability and inclusiveness of agri-food value chains across Europe (ii) provide comprehensive evidence of the impact of short food supply chain initiatives on small-scale producers in the EU; (iii) discuss under what institutional and governance conditions supply chains are effective tools for improving the fortunes of small-scale producers.


Talks (presenters in bold)

  1. Assessment of fairness and market power in food value chains through simulation modelling
    (Olafsdottir, G., McGarraghy, S., Kasakov, R., Gubrandsdottir, I.Y., Aubert, P.M., Cechura, L., Samoggia, A., Esposito, G., Loveluck, W., Huber, E., Thakur, M., Mehta, S., Barling, D., Gresham, J., Duric, I. , Jamali Jaghdani, T., Bogason, S.G.)
  2. How sustainable are EU short food supply chains? Empirical evidence and recommendations
    (Barbara Tocco; Gunnar Vittersø; Agata Malak-Rawlikowska; Edward Majewski)
  3. Managing market uncertainty through vertical and horizontal coordination in the food chain
    (Erik Mathijs; Damian Maye; Mauro Vigani; Hannah Chiswell; Isabelle Bonjean; Eewoud Lievens)


[see or]*
*inserted by the editor



EAAE webinar 5: November 25, 2020


Dear EAAE members,

This is the announcement of the 5th EAAE Webinar of a series of webinars on topical issues in our profession. The maximum number of participants for the Webinar is 300. Registration is mandatory. Deadline to register is Monday 23 November 24.00 (GMT+1). Here you can register.

Alfons Oude Lansink

Secretary General of the EAAE


EAAE Webinar 5


Date:              November 25, 2020

Time:              16.00-17.30 (GMT+1)

Organiser:     Marilyne Huchet

The United Kingdom (UK)’s departure from the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020 marks a turning point in European history and raises many questions about the future trade relationship between the two parties. The agrifood sector has been caught in the middle of these events. After leaving the EU, the UK becomes the largest extra-EU export destination of European agrifood products (around 9% of the EU’s exports). The transition period for concluding a UK-EU trade agreement extends until the end of 2020, and there is still a lack of clarity on the shape of the future agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union. In the event that no deal is reached, by virtue of their membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the two parties will trade with each other under the same terms they trade with countries with which they do not have any trade agreement or preferential trade scheme. This implies that the EU-UK trade will become subject to Most Favoured Nation (MFN) tariffs, which are particularly high for agrifood products.

This session proposes to examine the on-going negotiation process on at least two levels. First, the uncertainly on the outcome of the EU-UK negotiations and the grim prospects of reaching a deal in the near future has increased the likelihood of a ‘hard’ Brexit. Comparisons with alternative trade policy scenarios can help to illustrate what is at stake. Second, most of the existing literature evaluates the effects of Brexit at country level, and only a small number perform sector-level analyses.

The first paper is a policy-oriented contribution outlining the binary options at the end of 2020: what might the trade regime be if a free trade agreement (FTA) is concluded (covering not just tariffs but also sanitary and phytosanitary issues) and what might it be if no FTA is reached by end of the transition period (no-deal). This is a useful background to more quantitative modelling performed in the following two papers. The second paper investigates the effects both on the EU agrifood sector and on subgroups of products by considering five post-Brexit trade policy scenarios. The third  paper compares a UK-EU FTA with a situation where the United Kingdom would remain in the EU Single Market. The assessment includes estimates on the expected rise in non-tariff measures and their impact on trade costs, notably for services sectors and their impacts on the free movement of people. The paper discusses detailed sectoral impacts and impacts on all individual EU members.


Talks (presenters in bold)

  1. The future policy framework for EU-UK agricultural trade
    [Alan MATTHEWS; Professor Emeritus of European Agricultural Policy
    Trinity College Dublin, Ireland]
  2. How will Brexit affect the patterns of European agricultural and food exports?
    [Angela CHEPTEA, Marilyne HUCHET, Lucile HENRY; UMR SMART-LERECO, INRAE, Institut Agro, Rennes, France]
  3. The trade impact of the UK’s exit from the EU single market
    [Christine Arriola, Sebastian Benz, Annabelle Mourougane and Frank van Tongeren, OECD, Paris]


[see or]*
*inserted by the editor



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